Let natural light radiate indoors

Exposure to natural light has many benefits in terms of well-being, productivity and creativity. A simple exposure during a typical work day also contributes to saving an average of 46 minutes of daily sleep. Saint-Gobain is committed to making your interiors shine.

Office life often requires regular confinement, causing a lack of exposure that can disrupt our sleep patterns, lead to eye strain and/or headaches. So how can we combine artificial and natural light for natural comfort?

The first key is the intelligent layout of the building (sufficient number of windows, layout of the windows, access to the outside), but also the products used in its construction.

For the housing and tertiary markets (offices, hospitals, schools), Saint-Gobain favors the use of transparent or translucent products (glass, films or architectural membranes), to allow access to daylight through doors, windows and partitions. On the other hand, opaque interior products (wall or floor coverings, ceilings) allow natural light to be distributed and reverberated.

This clever alchemy brings natural light inside by maximizing its distribution while limiting the glaring effect.

la pollution de l’air est fortement présente dans les intérieurs où nous passons plus de 90 % de notre temps

Reducing the pollution inside our homes for our well-being

En Europe, une personne sur cinq est victime de pollution sonore

Acoustic insulation: a problem that is (still) too little known about

Pas moins de 39 % des émissions mondiales de dioxyde de carbone proviennent de la construction de bâtiments

When materials aim for 0 emissions